
What are people saying about Structured Water?


Sorry this took so long to get to you.I mentioned my garden when we spoke last. Last year our garden was absolutely the worst its been in years. This year however I used the structured water filter and WOW what a difference. I have never seen sweet corn that has looked as good as ours did. The cobs were huge! A number of plants got planted late, but they all caught up in growth in record time. The structured water has me sold. We planted some cabbage plants at least a month late and we now have wonderful heads of cabbage, the same with our tomato plants! AMAZING!THANK YOU!

Sally Reed, Boyceville, WI

Since I began with Structured water about two weeks ago, I have sponged off two of my beloved cats, each in her distinct area of chronic irritation (despite vast and creative other approaches – vet, holistic and energetic), one having been treated for over four years.

Both cats showed immediate improvement – in one, general itchiness subsided (after months of this hassle); and in the other, a runny eye lessened (and she was looking at me again for the first time in about two years, instead of turning her head away).

I am continuing to sponge off these two kitties, as well as provide Structured Water for all drinking purposes. Both cats’ conditions are significantly better in just a short time!
Further, all my five cats are getting along better together, noticeably so! They weren’t too raucous, before, but it is very loving and peaceful here now! And also they see more cognitive generally, and more communicative with me.

I feel more positive and motivated to accomplish my daily goals, and I feel my longer term visioning power has increased. My aura feels enhanced and stronger! It seems more positivity is coming into my life, and it’s connected with having Structured Water in and around me!

Thank you!


I have much more wildlife on the property and my wife uses the structured water to fill up the water trays for the birds. Our greenhouse is enjoying the structured water–we have a pond in there as well, and there is no algae. I know the vegetable plants and herbs are really enjoying this new level of coherence.

I think our land (we have 3 acres) has improved its energy level. We have had some issues with neighbors, but all of those conflicts have dissipated and I have manifested what we want with our land….The energy reminds me of the energy I feel when I sit at some of the vortexes in Sedona. I have noticed that I have more energy, and have more availability within myself to observe the mind. I have started 3 very sick patients on your filters, and will let you know how they respond.

I wanted to share with you another benefit of the structured water. I had not said anything previously to anyone because I wanted to give it more time to make sure of the results.

From the time I was 16, I had psoriasis which mainly appeared on the outside of my angles and my elbows. The itching was unbearable and on many occasions I would awake in my sleep scratching to the point of breaking the skin. The way it was explained to me, my condition was such that the new skin cells would die before they reached the epidermis.

My parents took me to the doctor and he wanted to put me on nerve pills which my parents vehemently refused.

Throughout the years I had been to dermatologists and my own physicians; subjected to tar baths, anti-itching cremes with hydrocortisone and even ultra-violet light treatments. The UV treatments are particularly funny since UV rays actually destroys skin cells – something I didn’t find out until later. So much for the intelligence of modern medicine.

Over the years, in doing my own research, I read that psoriasis and excema are auto-immune diseases. While that may be true, it is curious to me that during both of my pregnancies, my skin condition cleared up completely only to return after I gave birth.
Now that would lead me to believe that the condition is more a cause of hormonal imbalance though I did not realize that at the time. Just like the symptoms of heavy menstrual bleeding and growths in the uterus. Unfortunately, it was not until after I had a hysterectomy did I find this out from my current physician, a naturopath, which CIGNA has recently contracted with.

Anyway back to the subject of skin…..I have not had the severe itching over the last 10 years, however, because of the prior damage from scratching, I had lost pigmentation on my ankles and one elbow. I had been told by physicians years ago that I would never regain the pigmentation.

That brings me to current day experience with structured water. It has proven the world of modern medicine to be wrong!

The pigmentation in my skin has slowly been coming back since drinking the structured water. Where there were once pale patches of flesh are now normal skin tone on my one elbow. On my ankles, the pale patches are being replaced with dots of normal skin color that are filling in.

I felt this was important to tell you because it is a hugely significant test of the healing power of structured water.

I also have a very long scar on my right knee from a surgery when I was a teenager. I know that, over the years, scars will lighten. After more than 38 years, the scar had lightened as much as it was going to and it was still significantly noticeable. The skin in the scarred area is also showing signs of blending with normal skin tone. I do not have any significant pain in the knee, just a mild discomfort once in a while.

Aside from the visual reduction of the scar, I no longer have any discomfort in my right knee. I was told by a physician that my knee no longer had the ‘cushioning’ and eventually I would have to have it replaced. I have always told them that I would never have the knee cap replaced; I was born with it; I’ll die with it.

I also have 4 small incision scars on my left knee (two above, two below) from 2 scope surgeries in 1989. Where I recently was able see the scars, three of them have completely disappeared; one is barely noticeable.

I do not know if or how this will fit in with your studies of the effects of structured water, but please feel free to add them as you see fit.


Jacqueline Shepard

Just wanted to drop you a note and bring you up to date on plant growth here. The tomatoes are the big story. The main stalk on all the tomato plants are four to five times larger in diameter. Really wierd to view as they seem to have morphed into tomato plants on steroids. All the fruit on these plants is still green, but it has been exceptionally cool, at night, all summer long.

The hot tub water is wild. Feels like rain water; all the time (just like the shower and bath). This has to be due to filling with structured water, having the garden unit on the hot tub and using only one teaspoon of chlorine every two weeks. The chlorine is probably just a mental thing at this point.

As from the start, the only water we’ll drink is from the structuring unit; all other water WILL NOT DO !!! Can’t stand the taste of all bottled water and chlorinated tap water smells and tastes like swimming pool water. Don’t have a pool, but if I did, would have a commercial unit and do away with the chemicals.

The dishes are squeeky spotless, the shower doors are clear and all calcium deposits are…..NON EXISTANT !!!! Also, no water spots on the cars and trucks when washed.
I will write again with more updates as I glean them.

Thanks For The Understanding,


I wish to thank you for the bottom of my heart.

It arrived in time to – I believe – to help save the life of my cat – Tissie. She is 19 years old and was dying of kidney failure. She started lapping up the water and also taking the monatomic minerals from ambaya. She is now walking around and active again.

I also have felt the difference. The water coming from the taps measures 9,000,000 on the bovis biometer!!!

The first few days I loved drinking and washing my face. My skin is softer.

But the ultimate experience was a bath!!! It was like swimming in liquid love! The water sang. I am sure you know I am not exaggerating. I felt like I was communicating with the water. It was an incredible experience and I was reluctant to let the water out the drain because I was going to miss it!

My husband got in and said the water was so soft he couldn’t feel it!

I have started telling all my friends and clients and anyone who will listen.

I have just noticed they are no longer on the Ambaya website. Do you suggest another way to order?

Again – I thank you so much for this technology. If everyone had one the earth would be a very different place.

All my love and gratitude


The units came today, and I got them hooked up in record time. I ran a pitcher of water from our outside faucet which is city water, but it’s bypassed our water softener. I did notice the chlorine smell in the water, but I really couldn’t taste it which was bizarre. I had my daughter try it and she could smell it but couldn’t taste it either. I can’t wait to take a shower. I will keep in touch and let you know how it all goes. I’ve been talking to everyone I know about these.

Many, Many Thanks,


I got my unit in this week. LOVE IT!!! The water is lighter and softer…even kind of effervescent! I use less soap in washing maching, dishwasher and in the bathroom. I also already notice a change within me…my skin is looking better…dark spots are lightening up, and it’s only been 4 days! I just can’t thank you enough, Clayton, for your inspired work. The plumber asked about becoming a distributor….do you have that set up?

Many blessings and many thank you’s,

Dot Schaefer in Montgomery


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Hand held portable for travel, juices, etc $249 + S&H
Shower $249 + S&H
Under-Sink $349 + S&H
Garden $349 + S&H
Home (1/2, 3/4, 1 inch line) $999 + S&H
Commercial (1.25, 1.5, 2 inch line)
Contact the office for information.